>Date 02/11/2018
-Blocked Threats:[58]
-Updated Threats:[5]
-IP Added Record:[Rematching]
>D9 Codename: – Darkstar –
>Security Levels: GLOBAL:[HIGH]
>ipfilterX1: Parsed lines/entries:25K Found IP ranges:25K Duplicate:0 Merged:0 Time:0 secs
–IP Count: 469M
>ipfilterX2: Duplicates Removed: 0 Merged Ranges: 0 Deny IP Count:[520M] Rules Added:[34K]
>ipfilterX4: Duplicates Removed: 0 Merged Ranges: 0 Deny IP Count:[602M] Rules Added:[36K]
–X2/X4 Extended Ranges:[N]
>Report and Contact for any problem about ipfilterX IP Ranges the Nexus23 Labs Team:
https://nexus23.com https://nexus23.org https://p2pblocklist.net , https://ipfilterX.com ,
>Free Mirror at: https://p2pblocklist.wordpress.com/